Holidays on the Cheap – Traveller’s Tips

Holidays on the cheap mean going off the beaten path

Holidays on the cheap are readily available to the clued-up traveller. Here is some advice based on my experience and tips from insiders.

1) Delete your browser history as fares may increase if you enter the site several times.

2) New flights normally enter the system around 1 am so search shortly after.

3) Consider travelling budget to another European city and flying the long-haul flight from there. Return flights from Sofia to Dubai with Wizzair can be found for less than £150.

4) Business districts are not popular with budget travellers, but prices drop on the weekends and at Christmas. I have been able to get luxury rooms at half-empty hotels in Zurich and Brussels at bargain rates.

5) Look out for new flight routes and hotels with promotional offers.

6) Be aware of exchange rate fluctuations. I am tempted to head to South America soon as currencies like the Colombian Peso and Brazilian Real have dropped against the pound. Holidays on the cheap mean doing something a little different than the herd. As well as saving money, you will have a more memorable experience.

How To Maintain A Yoga Practice While You Travel


A few years ago, if you were to casually mention that you often did yoga exercises every morning, it would probably have been followed by a load of questions or a blank stare. These days however, studies show that around 10% of Americans claim to practice yoga regularly, and that is on the increase could not find figures for Britain but given the amount of yoga classes in my own town over the last few years, the popularity of yoga exercises and classes has skyrocketed. It is a brilliant way of combining exercise and meditation, and has many health benefits, both physically and mentally. Undertaking a few exercises and stretches once or twice a day can drastically improve your fitness, health and posture. But with so many travellers conquering the world today, many of which are yoga enthusiasts, how can you maintain your yoga routine while travelling?

yoga while you travel

First of all, make sure you pack a yoga mat and carry it around with you. This way, even if you struggle to find any other space or time to practice, whatever your schedule you can quickly lay your mat down and crack out a few exercises in a few minutes, wherever you are. In fact, I even encourage you to unroll your mat in exotic places. Mountain tops, forests, beaches and anywhere you can imagine. Beautiful scenery and peaceful locations can greatly improve your yoga session and enjoyment.

Although some prefer to do yoga alone and in solitude, the majority of us however either prefer the social aspect of a group, or need the expertise and guidance of an instructor. If this sounds like you, there’s no need to put your yoga on hold while you’re travelling. You’d be amazed how many yoga classes and groups can be found anywhere in the world these days. You could try asking the local people, find any community hub with advertisements and announcements, or look on the internet if possible. If you are still struggling to find classes, you could use social network to try and find like minded enthusiasts in the area for you to meet up and practice with.

So travel and stay healthy….see you soon 😉

How to decide where to travel this festive season?

The festive season is here once again. It is a perfect time to take a trip and enjoy. But how do you decide the best places to travel this festive season?

How do you decide the best places to travel this season?
How do you decide the best places to travel this festive season?

It all starts with your dream destinations. Everybody has one or more places they have always wished to go. You need to write this down. Do not limit yourself. Write as many as you can as this will help you narrow down in the end. You may include places you have visited before. I will recommend you keep to where you have never been unless your dream destinations are few.

The next thing is to have a rough idea on when you want to go. Once you have decided when, you need to go through your list and see which destinations on your list require a lot of planning before visiting. Some destinations will require you to have a certificate of vaccination against particular diseases. The most common is Yellow fever. If you will be receiving the yellow fever vaccination for the first time, it will be effective after 10 days. That is when your certificate of vaccination will be valid. In such case, you need to ask yourself if you have time to get a yellow fever vaccination and be valid before you travel. Other things to look for are:

  1. If you have a passport and if not, how long it will take you to obtain one.
  2. If you need International Student Identity Card which is intentionally recognized and will allow you to get discounts meant for students.

Scrape from your list the destinations that require documents which you do not have time to obtain.

Finally, can you afford it? Your budget will help you conclude where you should go for holiday this festive season.




Serious Contemplation in Awesome Alaska

Seeing the world without a travel partner’s preferences to worry about is what I consider bliss – you simply do exactly what you want, and when – there’s no need to wait for someone to be ready. You simply seize the day and do what you want.

I always say that some trips are meant specifically for solo travellers, especially those bare-minimum packing type of holidays where you’re just with your own thoughts.  When I first started hiking solo in 2013, it was August when I opted for the Lost Lake Trail in Alaska for starters. I specifically opted to do this 14 mile short hike of just two days first. I wanted to see if I would feel lonely or invigorated.

The hike starts in a forest which I found extremely soothing. In the hectic 21st century, silence is golden and this was just what I needed. Once through the forest I walked through lush meadows and was aware of the awesomeness of the surrounding mountains and lakes. I’d done my homework and saw that I could stay overnight at the Lost Lake Campground.  I found in soothing and pleasurable lighting up a fire and taking in the smells and sights. What bliss just to sit around my campfire and contemplate … a rare treat.
If this is what hiking solo is about, I can’t wait to experience more as I reckon beauty and peace like this puts back what our busy lifestyles steal away.

Best places to travel by yourself

So I was reading a new article about the best places you can go to travel by yourself and have a great time, which I think is not hard to do anywhere but sometimes when you have a couple weeks or you are going for a long trip for several months by yourself it can start to wane on you to not have a familiar face or someone to just get through the bumps in the road with. I would love to check out some of these places soon!

travelling alone is an adventurous path

I think it’s an important aspect of travelling to try and meet new people and enjoy your time overseas somewhere. Not suprisingly number one is New Zealand where there is just a lot of natural surroundings and things to do plus it’s very safe and easy to get around. 2nd on the list is Norway which is an interesting choice but also a wonderful place to go. I would love to do Norway as it is absolutely gorgeous there and seems like a very friendly place with a lot of night life and easy to move around the country on trains or other modes of transportation. Where is your favourite place to travel? Send me some ideas if you have one.