How To Maintain A Yoga Practice While You Travel


A few years ago, if you were to casually mention that you often did yoga exercises every morning, it would probably have been followed by a load of questions or a blank stare. These days however, studies show that around 10% of Americans claim to practice yoga regularly, and that is on the increase could not find figures for Britain but given the amount of yoga classes in my own town over the last few years, the popularity of yoga exercises and classes has skyrocketed. It is a brilliant way of combining exercise and meditation, and has many health benefits, both physically and mentally. Undertaking a few exercises and stretches once or twice a day can drastically improve your fitness, health and posture. But with so many travellers conquering the world today, many of which are yoga enthusiasts, how can you maintain your yoga routine while travelling?

yoga while you travel

First of all, make sure you pack a yoga mat and carry it around with you. This way, even if you struggle to find any other space or time to practice, whatever your schedule you can quickly lay your mat down and crack out a few exercises in a few minutes, wherever you are. In fact, I even encourage you to unroll your mat in exotic places. Mountain tops, forests, beaches and anywhere you can imagine. Beautiful scenery and peaceful locations can greatly improve your yoga session and enjoyment.

Although some prefer to do yoga alone and in solitude, the majority of us however either prefer the social aspect of a group, or need the expertise and guidance of an instructor. If this sounds like you, there’s no need to put your yoga on hold while you’re travelling. You’d be amazed how many yoga classes and groups can be found anywhere in the world these days. You could try asking the local people, find any community hub with advertisements and announcements, or look on the internet if possible. If you are still struggling to find classes, you could use social network to try and find like minded enthusiasts in the area for you to meet up and practice with.

So travel and stay healthy….see you soon 😉